10,000 REM

The Boy With The Lou Reed Eyes

1. Buck Storm – Satellite

So I used to buy CDs from a site in the USA called Miles Of Music. It was great place to discover and buy Americana – sadly out of business now. That’s where I came across this CD Goodbye From Venus by Buck Storm. I didn’t know anything about him but the track samples sounded good so I bought it.

I really liked the CD – it’s had a lot of play here down the years. He does mention Jesus a few times, but I just thought that’s because he’s an American. I often wondered if Buck had released any other music, but I could never find anything.

Years later, I discovered he’d put up a web site, and had some CD’s for sale there – but the shipping costs to the UK were quite large. But I’d liked Goodbye From Venus so much, that eventually I bit the bullet and bought 2 CD’s blind. And I didn’t like those at all. Then I noticed the CD titles were A Wretch Like Me and All Of God’s Angels, and that’s when it occurred to me – have I just bought a load of Christian rock ???

I had to re-evaluate the original CD in this new light – but I reckon it still stands up.

“Well I used to be the government
Before the dollar stole my voice.
I asked my congressman how I could set that straight.
He said ‘Son, get yourself a talk show just like everybody else.’
Now I’m worldwide and man, do I look great.”

2. Soul Brothers – Mama Ka S’bongile

I don’t know much about this – the Soul Brothers were a South African band, formed in the 70s, they’re known for the distinctive organ sound, and they’ve released dozens of albums.

The organ intro is the best organ playing you’re ever going to hear.

According to Google translate the title of this on means “Mama I didn’t see you”.

3. Ted Roddy – All Night Texas Turnaround

(Spotify does not know this song)

Ted is a country singer with a side-line as an Elvis impersonator. This song is about being on the road playing joints across Texas.

“Fort Worth, Dallas, Houston and San Antone.
Corpus Christi, Lubbock and El Paso.
Deep from the heart of Texas, we’re highway bound.
Doing that all night Texas turnaround.”

4. Patrice Michaud – 1977

A current fave from Bandcamp.

5. The Lisa Marr Experiment – The Boy With The Lou Reed Eyes

This seems to be no longer available on Spotify or anywhere else, which is a real shame because it is an absolute mega song. You’d have loved it.

Later: I have tracked down a valid link. You can listen to a sample (and buy it if you want) from the good folks at 7digital

This shows once again why streaming is rubbish.
If you don’t have it on physical media, or you haven’t downloaded an actual copy of the file, then it’s not really in your collection.

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